Hello, lovely and much-neglected blog readers!
It's been stressful times in Pattern Junkie land for the past couple of months. I was working away this morning, in need of something cheery, when I decided to take a break and head on over to the Vintage Sewing Pattern Wiki. I hadn't been there in ages. I clicked on the new photos page to see what wonders had been added.
Little did I know what gifts awaited.
First I spied McCall 7527:
I sighed. "Wow," I thought. "Wouldn't it be great to put on that dress and feel like skipping?"
I kept looking.
Oh, Vintage Wiki. You know just what I need. Because in the very next row, you presented me with the glory that is Vogue 6731:
YES! That's a bra just FLOATING in mid-air! Is there a strip-tease going on just outside the edges of the pattern envelope? Is a torrid orgy underway? Or is it a magic bra floating of its own accord, much like the cartoon mini-helper of Advance pattern fame? I don't know, but that floating bra just fills me with delight.
But that's not all the Vintage Pattern Wiki had to offer today. Oh, no. It gets better. Just take a look at Vogue 8898:
That's OK. Look again. Take a deep breath or two. I needed a moment when I saw it for the first time.
Stuffed animals. ON SLEDS AND SKIS! Whizzing down a mountain! (In case you're wondering, the brown lumps on the left are supposed to be hedgehogs.)
Who decided that the way to model stuffed hedgehogs, rabbits and possums was to put them in a toboggan race in a fake mountain diorama? (Whoever you are, thank you!) What were the alternate ideas? Animals betting on horse races? Pumping gas? Hot tubbing?
I think I feel like picking up my skirts and skipping.