As I wrote on Sunday, I'm on a mission to get control of my sewing room and bring my stash down to a manageable size. Giving away some fabric to blog readers is an obvious way to get closer to that goal, right?
Here's the problem I've been struggling with: what exactly should I give away? What fabric qualifies to be featured in such a glorious manner?
Perhaps you think it should be something useful. The kind of fabric any seamstress would be happy to get. Or maybe you think it should be a thing of beauty: a breakthaking length of cotton or silk that you can hardly bear to cut into.
To which I say: have you been reading this blog?
Drum roll! Prepare to meet your destiny: three yards of 60" wide vintage 1980s fabric. Words don't really do it justice, so here it is:
"Wait," you may be thinking. "Those look like people, yet...their shoulders are so enormously large! And what's with the teeny heads with sharp points?"
Yes, it demands a closer look. Behold:
Yes! Those are 80s dudes and Valley girls with new wave haircuts and "Stop Making Sense" shoulder pads! They're dancing! And skateboarding! All in neon 80s colors!
To enter, simply leave a comment telling me what you'd make with this treasure. Would you zig on the zagged line and embroider giant chains on it? Would you offend 50s fashion lovers by making a winged wiggle dress? Or would you embrace the 1980s in all their misguided glory and make this Dihann Carrol ruffled capri pantsuit?
Enter by midnight PST by Wednesday, April 27. I'll pick the winner by random number. Again, be sure to tell me what outlandish dream project you'd make with it (and if you'd like, email me a pattern photo.) Don't worry -- I won't hold you to your promise to make hot pants or giant jackets, but those boppin' New Wavers just might...