Welcome to THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY. These are a few of the men's vintage patterns I've found that count as my "goods." If Mr. Pattern Junkie, the rebellious ex-early 80s punk rocker, did not strictly adhere to his own unique dress code (black, black, black; Vans shoes with skulls; shirts never smaller than way too big and shorts never shorter than 5 inches below the knee), these are patterns I'd make for him. Of course, tastes vary -- you might call these your "bads" or "uglys"! Enjoy.
First: I've got to tip my hat to Butterick 3960 for making plain shorts more interesting with the stripes variation on view B. Both Mr. View As seems quite jealous, don't you think?
I really love this mod shirt and pant combo from McCall's 8475, not to mention the pattern illustration itself. Yeah, baby!
Butterick 5738 has a deep V-neck vest with a low-slung belt. Everything about it screams bad polyester and hideous 70s fashion. So why do I like it so?
McCall's 5628 is easy to love: it's a classic car coat. Even Mr. Pattern Junkie might go for this one:
Here's a car coat updated for the 1970s, McCall's 2981. I thrifted a coat much like View B in college and wore it to death until my mother "accidentally" donated it to Goodwill. She's still in trouble for that one.
Finally: Butterick 5898! With my big collar obsession, how can I not love a robe with wide lapels?! FUNKY!
Next up: my bad and uglys! Got good, bad and uglys of your own? Send 'em in and I'll post them!