Alas, it's time to wrap up men's week and bid a fond adieu to the men of patternland -- at least for now -- with a look at some of the "bads" and "uglys" I've found of late. Enjoy -- and who knows? You may find your own swan among these geese!
Let's start with Simplicity 8207. I get the drawstring bell bottoms. I get the color-blocked shorts. I get the motorcycle jacket. What I DON"T get is combining them all together:
Speaking of strange combos, how 'bout these fabric choices for Simplicity 9400? Wowza!!
While we're on the subject of ties, McCall's 3434, the "reversible tie and ascot pattern" raises my suspicions right away. The pattern envelope is trying WAY TOO HARD to convince me that this is a great idea:
Sure, there's only one guy the envelope for McCall's 2455 -- but his mustache and ALL THAT FRINGE demand inclusion, don't you think? You can't stop the fringe!
Simplicity 9087 -- which I first spied over at Male Pattern Boldness (thanks, Peter!) -- is a stunner, if only for the fact that the man in the ponyskin vest stands out the least. Really, how is THAT possible?! We've got a couple of early Beatles wannabes, a Great White Hunter, Mr. Blue Two-Way Polyester and...
...??? WHAT IS THAT? The man in front. The one wearing striped pants, a matching striped vest and NO SHIRT?
Striped Vest confuses me greatly. Since I spent the early 70s learning how to walk and tie my shoes, I sent the picture to Ma & Pa Pattern Junkie with the question: what on earth could this man be doing? What activity is he dressed for? My father's answer was "disco" while my mom was confused by the whole pattern, which she termed a "mod-safari-cowboy-circus fusion." So Striped Vest is a mod circus cowboy. On a safari. Good enough for me.
Last but not least, Simplicity 6440, which is the hands-down winner in the "so bad it's good" category. Any pattern that lists an actual bottle opener in its notions list and uses the phrase "rick rack steam" in its description is a winner in my book:
Yes. The bottle opener actually hangs off the vested apron. Genius!
Have any "good, bad and uglys" of your own? Send 'em my way and I'll post them!